Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Kingdom of Paduwasnuwara

Panduwasnuwara is an ancient city in the Kurunegala area which functioned as the capital of Sri Lanka for a very brief period. King Parakramabahu set up his temporary capital in this city during the 12th century.

History of Paduwasnuwara

The city of Panduwasnuwara in Sri Lanka was established by King Panduvasudev, successor to King Vijaya, the founder of the island nation in the 5th century BC. The ruins at the site date back to the 12th century when it was known by Parakramapura.
The temple is one of the most important features of the ancient city of Panduwasnuwara. However, the centre of attraction of every visitor is the ruined tower situated inside the circular moat. Ruins of this 'tower-like' building called ‘chakkrawalaya’ was built by King Parakkramabahu the Great who reigned in the 12th century.
The circular area is believed to be that of the high tower, though archaeological excavations haven’t established the identity and purpose of the same. The wall with a width of 21 feet at the base was built of clay and had a diameter of 297 feet. Within the tower was a series of concentric circles of clay walls. Within the innermost wall was a square chamber.
It is believed the tower featured several storeys during this historical era.
However, archaeological evidence suggests Panduwasnuwara isn’t ancient Upatissagama, where King Panduwasdev reigned. However, the popular belief is that Panduwasnuwara was the location where Princess Unmada Chithchtra was kept in a high tower away from the eyes of the men. 
According to prophesy, a son born to her would kill all his uncles in battle and become the ruler of Sri Lanka. In spite of her imprisonment in the high tower called “Ek Tam Ge”, the prophesy realized. Her son, sired by Prince Diga Gamini, smuggled away from the tower at birth, survived and fulfilled the prophesy by becoming King Pandukahabya of Lanka.

Paduwasnuwara may not be as attractive as the ancient kingdom of  Anuradhapura or Polonnaruwa but the place is worth exploring. The ruins while hiding a part of our ancient history also bears witness to the ancient grandeur of the island. As the ruins are located scattered in a small area it is not difficult for the visitor to explore them. 

The historic Tampita Vihara Vihara at Paduwasnuwara. 

The vihara has been built with strong wood and is supported by granite pillars.  
Pic 01: Tampita Vihara
 Pic 02: Tempita Vihara 

Pic: 03 Tempita Vihara

The historic moat with the tower house related to Unmada Chithra

The ruins of the  Tower House where Unmadachithra had been locked up. 
It is said that the moat was deeper than this , and it had been infested with crocodiles. One has to sit under the shade of a tree on the bank of the moat, focus attention on the ruined tower right at the centre of the moat and lose in the imagination. Then it is not difficult for the visitor to visualize the picture of the tower with the beautiful lady locked up on top of a chamber in the tower.

❤                             The legend of Unmadachithra

The family:
Unmadachithra ( Unmadachithra-driving crazy due to beauty) was the daughter of Panduwasudewa. Panduwasudewa was the son of a brother of Wijaya. Unmadachithra's mother was another unmatched beauty, princess Baddakachchayana. After the marriage of Baddakachchayana to the great king Panduwasudewa, they became the proud parents of 10 sons and a daughter who was none other than Unmadachithra. The daughter inherited the beauty of her mother: Baddakachchayana.
The prophecy: 
 Both the king and the queen could not enjoy the pleasure of having a truly beautiful princess and let the world appreciate her beauty. That was because, keeping to the aged old traditions, when the parents consulted their wise men regarding the future of their beautiful daughter they predicted what they did not want to hear being parents. They told the king that if their daughter ever gave birth to a son he would definitely kill all his uncles and become the king of the whole country. This was a shocking forecast to hear for the parents who believed the wise-men; a news any parents would hate to hear. 
The parents who loved their only daughter very much was pushed into a turmoil with this prediction.  The parents gathered their sons and told them of the prophecy.  Finally they decided to confine the princess to an 'ektamge' (a pillar house constructed in the centre of a deep moat). 
The tower received round the clock security and the young princess was denied any human contact , specially, men. She was looked after by a faithful female servant. The king went  into the extent of putting up a tall strong wall around the 'pillar house' and its windows could only be seen to king's chamber. However the king made all the arrangements to let the princess enjoy all the comforts a princess would enjoy. 
A web novel written by the young Sri Lankan writer, Ruchi Tarin. Click on the image below. 👇👇

Prince Deegagamini: 
Princess Baddakachchayana had a brother called prince Digayu. He had a son called Prince Deegagamini. He lived in the palace with his paternal aunt, Baddakachchayana and served the king. He was a handsome young prince. One day while he was resting in his chamber his eyes, accidentally, caught the sight of the beautiful young princess Unmadachithra standing by the window. The prince bewitched by the beauty of the princess ,before long , started visiting the princess Unmadachithra at night with the help of a 'Dadumonara'( a flying machine). 
The prophecy comes true:
As a result of their relationship the princess was conceived. The king and his ten sons got this surprising news and wondered what they would do. Finally they decided to give her in marriage to the prince Deegayu, but on one condition; that was  in case the princess gave birth to a son they would definitely kill him and if it was a daughter they would bring her up.
 However the fate was such that the young princess gave birth to a baby prince. Princess Unmadachithra, somehow, had known the fate of her son, so she had secretly made all the arrangements to protect her first born from her brothers. 
With the help of a faithful maid she was able to find a baby girl born on the same day to a poor peasant-family in a village called 'Doramadalawa'. The princess secretly exchanged her son with the baby girl. 
The princess named the baby son 'Pandukabaya' and the poor farmer was given enough money to look after the prince and educate him. However the princess Chithra's uncles did not know anything about this secret arrangement and they thought  their sister had given birth to baby daughter, so they accepted her to  the palace and looked after her well. 
Sometime after the birth of the prince Pandukabaya, King Panduwasdev passed away. The eldsest son of the king was Abaya. After the death of the great king Panduwasdew ,prince Abaya ascended the throne and ruled the country with his brothers.  

The Traveller Sajendra

March 2019
The beauty of Panduwasnuwara : the grove of trees on the bank of the moat encircling the pillar-house: ektamge.
   The Tampita Vihara; draws the curiosity of school  children. 
  The Tempita Vihara

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