Sri Pada: The Sacred Footprint of Gauthama Buddha , is a unique hallowed tourist destination located in Sri Lanka.
Height - 2243 m (7359 ft)
The mountain is situated in the Rathnapura district of the Sabaragamuwa Province. It is located about 40km northeast of Ratnapura and 32 Km southwest of Hatton.
Other names for Sri Pada
Mount Malaya
Access to the mountain; there are six trails.
1) Rathnapura - Palabaddala Rd.
2) Hatton - Nallathanni Rd
(The most favourite rout among the pilgrims)
3) Kuruwita - Erathna
4) Murraywatta
5) Malimboda
6) Mookuwatte
Popular beliefs and historical facts in a nutshell.
The popular belief is that the footprint on the summit is that of the Gauthama Buddha. Some Christian and Islamic traditions believe that it is that of Adam. According to Hindus it is the footprint of deity Shiva.
Sri Lankans also believe that the mountain is the abode of the deity Saman. Butterflies frequent the area during season. Hence some Sri Lankans call the mountain 'Samanalakanda'.
Mahawamsa (5th century) also mentions that Buddha visited Sri Pada. It also mentions King Vijayabahu (1058-1114) visited Sri Pada. The famous Ambagamuwa rock inscription records that the king himself visited Sri Pada.
King Walagamba (1st century) had taken refuge in the Sri Pada adaviya against Indian invaders.
The famous Buddhist traveler Fa Hien also mentions Sri Pada. However, it is not clear if he actually visited the mountain.
Famous merchant Marco Polo also mentions Sri Pada is an important place of visit among pilgrims.
The first Englishman to climb Sri Pada was Lieutenant William Malcom of the 1st Ceylon Regiment on 26th April 1815. His account of the ascent was published in the Government Gazette on 10th May 1815. He had taken the Rathnapura rout.